Friday, October 21, 2005

Cot-tage Health

Canvas Cot: Can You Be Good For My Health? A funny thing happened to me on the way back from Katrina. No, I discovered it after I got back, and it apparently happened while I was away. I have made it to yoga class twice, and I did not suffer and groan and fall on my face as I usually do after long absences. In truth, I believe I am subtly more supple than I was in August. When I consider the fact that I was less active, got less exercise than usual, the phenomenon is especially intriguing. Having carefully studied the variables, I have to conclude that thirty days of sleeping on uncomfortable “army” cots is good for my health. To those who shared this experience, have you noticed anything in yourself to reinforce or refute my conclusion? If you see Ms. Pam (whose email address I do not know, and who can make comparisons with three years of sleeping on a hard platform in the Philippines) please relay the question. To those who have not had the experience: go down to the surplus or camping store, get a cot, do your own thirty-day experiment, and give me a detailed report.


cenunez said...


Having shared the same tent and being in close proximity to your cot, I would suggest that the effort to become comfortable on one of those cots counts as physical activity. I offer this based upon the "squeek – squeek" and straining noises I heard throughout the night, coming from underneath me as well as from others in the tent.

I also believe that taking a shower in the space available at the tent city required more dexterity that normal, especially when one dropped the soap.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

I have to agree about the cots from my own experience. I have bursitis in my hip and was very suprised that it never acted up in Louisiana even with the hours of sitting that was required at the DRC. I got back home to my much more comfortable bed, only to have my bursitis act up almost immediately. Perhaps something in the cots is good for us!