Monday, December 31, 2007

Inward Tilting Icicles :: Part III :: Trestle Shed Icicle

from: Dan Gould, Dec. 30.07, Fort Collins: Hi - Take a look at the photos. They were taken from the south side of the shed under the RR trestle on the Poudre Trail near the Highway 287 bridge. .
#1a indicates the location of #2 & 3.
. . . .
#2 is a close up taken from the east side.
. . .
#3 is a close up taken from the west side.
Ok - It must have to do with the amount of heating of the shed roof which is affected by the distance from the trestle. The amount of heating of the shed roof affects the flow of drops which determines if the ice grows on the cold side of the icicle. But which way the trestle affects shed heating and which way water drip drop rate affects icicle deviation - I need help on................... Thank you for the entertainment, Dan .. .. .. Note: Dan's photos do show that this is a highly selective phenomenon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob and all,

Apparently the definitive article was written and presented in the Annals of Glaciology Volume 19 in 1994. See following.

Unfortunately that copy is not available on line and the publisher wants money for a copy.

Will keep looking for a copy. Until then Dan’s work is an important addition to the body of knowledge!

Title: Bent icicles and spikes
Authors: Maeno, N.; Makkonen, L.; Takahashi, T.
Publication: Annals of Glaciology, vol.19, pp.138-140
Publication Date: 00/1994
Origin: WEB
Bibliographic Code:1994AnGla..19..138M

Best to all,